State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program
The State Housing Initiatives Program (SHIP) Program provides funds to Local governments as an incentive to create partnerships that produce and preserve affordable home ownership and rental housing.
The Program was designed to provide Very Low, Low, and Moderate – Income Households with assistance to: purchase a home, repair a home, and many other types of housing assistance.
For more information, please visit the Florida Housing Finance Corporation website or Polk County SHIP Program website.
The SHIP Program Initiative offers the following Strategies:
- Purchase Assistance for First-Time Homebuyers
- Owner – Occupied Housing Rehabilitation
- Owner - Occupied Emergency Repair Assistance
- Owner- Occupied Housing Rehabilitation for Persons with Special Needs
- Utility Connection Assistance
- Rental Housing Development Assistance (for Developers of multi–family rental housing)
For more information on this program, please contact the Polk County Housing & Neighborhood Development office at (863) 534-5240 or by email at